Brenda and Chris are essentially a free concierge. They know everything about Samara and the surrounding area. Want to schedule a taxi to take you to and from the airport? Done. Need a massage? Booked. I don’t have a car, how do I get to this other place I want to go to? Problem solved. ANYTHING you want to know or want to do, they can and will happily help you with. My boyfriend and I wanted to go on a deep sea fishing trip, but it was too expensive for just the two of us. We mentioned this to Brenda and Chris and they said a guy had been in earlier that week in a similar situation who “wanted to go fishing as much as possible” during his 3 month trip. So Brenda and Chris hooked us all up and the three of us went on a half day trip that turned into a six hour trip. Why so long? We caught a fish THIS BIG!