Activities in Samara & Carrillo

Land Activities

Water Activities

Air Activities

Outside of Samara & Carrillo

Combo Packages

Samara and Carrillo, Costa Rica offers many exciting activities from guided nature hikes, horse tours, zip-line to river kayaking, snorkeling, dolphin watching and scuba diving. You can even see the turtles nesting the in the area almost everyday of the year.

Other activities include ATV tours, Gyrocopter flights, fishing and surfing. For a complete list click the Activities & Transportations tab on the top bar, there you will find a complete list of activities on land, on the water and in the air. The list also includes activities outside of Samara.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write, phone or use our live chat button.

Travel well and we’ll see you soon.

Brenda & Christopher

Contact us for more information and let us know if you have any specific requests.